Earn More Money
This should be fairly obvious. Certified individuals usually earn more money than their non-certified peers. For example, a recent survey by Redmond magazine showed that 43 percent of respondents reported getting a salary increase as a result of their certification.
Hiring Advantages Over Non-Certified Competitors
If you're in competition with others for a job, having a certification can give you that needed boost. An employer can see that you're serious about your career, and willing to put in extra time and money to get certified.
Strengthen Your Weaknesses
Going through certification training can a) Reinforce information you already know, like taking a refresher course, and b) Show you new stuff. All IT pros have their strong and weak areas of knowledge. Prepping for certification will likely bolster areas in which you're not that strong.
Build a Community of Peers
Networking is an important part of your career. Through study groups, technical conferences with other certified folks, and classes, both live and online, you'll be constantly meeting others with your areas of interest and specialization. This can come in handy if you're laid off or unhappy with your current situation.
Help Your Company Increase Business
This is especially important in the government IT sector. Some contracts allow for only hiring companies with certified employees.
Consultants/Analysts Can Land More Jobs
If you're self employed as an IT consultant or analyst, having certification to back up your work experience can be crucial in getting new clients. Those companies will know that you have a certain level of knowledge, and will look at your resume more favorably.
Boost Your Self-Esteem
It's a great feeling to pass a test, and to eventually earn a certification feels even better. It can be a real confidence-builder to gain a credential; that confidence should translate into better job performance.
Gain Unique Access to Resources
Many companies, like certification heavy-hitters Microsoft and Cisco, offer special access to online forums and training materials to their certification holders. Not only will you be able to get answers to thorny troubleshooting issues, but you'll continue to build your network of peers, as discussed in item No. 4.
You May Get it for Free
A number of companies will pay for technical certification training, because of the value it brings to their organization. Remember to ask before you start your training. What could be better than free?
You Can Hang it on Your Wall
Doctors and lawyers delight in hanging their advanced degrees on their walls, so why not you? You can do the same, showing the world that you've got special skills.
So Microsoft Certifications is a Must for all The IT Professionals
Posted By: R.v.KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Professional
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