Do You Provide Training on Microsoft Technologies? Whether you deliver training to your customers as one of your core services or as your entire business practice, attaining the Learning competency can open new opportunities for your business. As a Microsoft partner with the Learning competency, you will have access to Official Microsoft Learning Products (OMLP) and services, and will become part of a global community of Microsoft training providers, all of which can help you grow your training business. As a Microsoft partner with the Learning competency, you will have access to prerelease content, and you will be exclusively authorized to teach using Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC). MOC enables you to help your customers gain proficiency through Hands-On Labs, simulations, and real-world application of skills. And you can focus on your training strengths—and meet customer needs more effectively—by offering your courses in a variety of formats, such as digital MOC and Microsoft Official Distance Learning (MODL). Also, earning the Learning competency can put you on the path to take advantage of other training opportunities that can help you build your business. By becoming an authorized Microsoft testing center, you can open new revenue opportunities as you help customers achieve the Microsoft certifications that enable them to find more fulfilling careers, or further existing careers. You can become an authorized Microsoft E-learning reseller, and extend your training offerings with Microsoft self-paced online learning. Or you can use the Microsoft Learning Courseware Library to find and offer new training courses that have been authored by subject matter experts within the Microsoft Learning community. |
Competency Benefits When you attain a Microsoft Partner Network competency, you become eligible to receive a set of core benefitsthat apply to all competencies. As a Microsoft partner with the Learning competency, you will also be eligible to take advantage of benefits specifically tailored to this competency. Review the following table to learn more. |
| Your Learning Competency Benefits |
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