Is It Worth The Trouble to Pursue an LPI Certification?

All the career certifications recognized the industry can confuse you a little if you are a new entrant to the industry. Especially young IT graduates are often troubled with the dilemma of which specific career path to take and in what specific area should they begin with their struggle. One of the rapidly growing trends in the industry is the Linux OS. If you want to develop your skills in this area, then the perfect qualification standard to start with is an lpi certification

LPI or Linux Professional Institute Certification is an independent and vendor-neutral qualification standard, which specializes in the area of Linux. The LPI certification is offered in three stages in the junior level, the advanced level and the senior level, also known as LPIC-1, 2 and 3. The exams for the certification are designed by professionals and experts of the Linux system, so you can be sure that you will be investing in a reliable qualification standard.

Not only that, but a very strong reason to go for an lpi certifications is the fact that it is a prestigious certification, which is recognized all over the world. Even other institutions offering higher qualification standards in Linux recognize the LPI certifications, and they can serve as a foundation to them. Furthermore, LPI certification is designed in such a way that it keeps up with the industry advances and helps to equip the candidates with the required knowledge of Linux in such a way that they are able to effectively implement it in the industry.

Many organizations run Linux based systems and require professionals with a reliable knowledge-base and skills of the platform. Employers find an LPI certification a very reliable standard to assess the competitiveness of a candidate. However, the higher the level of the certification, the greater will be your value in the job market. The junior level certifications training can be the right qualification standard for fresh graduates to pursue. If you are interested to develop skills in Linux as per the growing industry demands, then you should surely consider an LPI certification.


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