Certifying Employees and Hiring MCPs

As an employer, you are charged with motivating, retaining, and building the skills of your technical teams. You also must prove to your management that technology increases customer satisfaction, builds competitive advantage, and improves return on investment (ROI). By hiring qualified Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) and encouraging certification within your organization you can accomplish these tasks more easily. Here are some basic steps:

  1. Determine which Microsoft Certifications would benefit your business:

  2. Help your employees become certified: Once you have identified the types of professionals you seek, encourage your IT and developer staff to explore training and certification options.

  3. Find certified candidates: Microsoft provides resources so that you can post jobs and look for certified professionals to fill job openings. Our partnership with CareerBuilder.com makes it easy to recruit the best candidates.

  4. Verify candidates' credentials: To verify the exam and certification achievements of job candidates or current employees, ask them for permission to view their official Microsoft transcript. All MCPs have the ability to set up a transcript ID and access code for sharing. For privacy reasons, Microsoft cannot provide or validate a candidate's information for hiring manager and employers. You need to request this information directly from the candidate.


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